Partners’ Blog

Content marketing in post trade? Watch Alex’s video and make it kick for your business

What makes some posts fly, while others fall flat? Many companies have amazing stories to tell but lose track of them because of common PR misconceptions. Share this video both with your business folks and your content producers, and their improved collaboration will support your sales more efficiently.

Drawing on three decades as a journalist, PostTrade 360° news site editor Alexander Kristofersson went on stage at the PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 conference, to share his beliefs – about engaging story telling for business purposes, and how efficient collaboration between the business manager and the creative professional (where applicable) will make it happen. Find the full session as a video here below.

The slide deck is downloadable, too, click here.

While not a writing lesson, the session offers a practical approach with real-life examples and plenty of dos and don’ts, but also some elements of theory. The value of explanation, personalisation and genuineness is highlighted. The insights should be directly applicable whether for a big-scale media production or just a personal social media post, and agnostic to whether you work through paid or free channels. These will be 37 well invested minutes for your organisation. Try to get your business leaders, sales reps, and content creatives all into the loop for a shared view, it will pay off!

Yes, it’s media – but not “mass”

In a relatively narrow business niche, such as our one for post-trade services and systems, it can be inefficient to apply traditional mass media strategies focused on audience sizes and percentages, Alexander suggests. With such small actual target audiences, it can be more efficient to think of content marketing as an extension of the personal sales relation – or even a way to multiply your unique business representative. As for good stories, just explaining why your company does what it does, and sharing how it observes clients doing things well or bad, are excellent places to start.

While sales representatives often have a close relation to their immediate contact persons at the client firm, mediated content can also be a strong tool to penetrate the client organisation and build deeper understanding and consensus among its “invisible” decision makers or powerful advisors. There, again, an integrated take on sales contacts and media content is more useful than handling them as separate channels.

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