You choose start and end date freely! As different from the top ads, your ad is not sharing this slot with anyone else, but is normally shown whenever somebody reads any editorial article on our site. Thus 100% share of voice.
This ad format shows up at the top of the right-hand column on individual news articles which are not sponsored. It is not displayed on the site’s front page. The display of the ad is independent of the news article’s content. On sponsored articles (including coverage of sponsored sessions at our events), there is normally no advertisement displayed. Also, our search and index pages currently don’t display advertisement.
600 (width) x 500 (height) pixels. This gives some quality margin against unnecessary pixellisation when the ad is displayed large. Note, however, that the display will usually be in lower resolutions, so don’t make text or visual elements too small. No animation.
Flexible duration discount
You select your dates flexibly, within availability. A 30-day period normally costs €1,200, and each day up or down will make €24 plus or minus. Thus your average per-day cost goes down with a longer duration, as it should, right? Price examples: 7 days: €648, 30 days: €1,800, 90 days: €2,640.
Confirmation and content delivery
Note that your order is valid only after we have confirmed it! We will normally do so only after receiving your payment.
Even so, we encourage you to deliver your ad file(s) to us as soon as possible after your checkout, through our content upload form. It will ask for your order number, and has room for your comments.
Minor notes
The exact display could differ with user circumstances such as browser, the width of the browser window, or settings. Check it out for yourself on the website with the ad that is there now.
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